Craft Ideas: Jesus Feeds 5000 from Matthew 14:13-21

The account of Jesus feeding the masses is a remarkable miracle and a beautiful testament to our ability to trust and depend on God to provide for our needs. When we give Him everything we have, incredible things can happen! These craft ideas honor the story and its teachings. The “Growing Fish Line” paper chain commemorates how Jesus made a

Craft Ideas: Jesus and Peter Walk on Water

The story of Jesus walking on water is a reminder that we, as humans, cannot achieve such a feat on our own. The story of Peter being saved by Jesus from the waves emphasizes the fact that we can always count on Jesus to lift us out of our fears and worries. To celebrate this story and remind children to

Craft Ideas for the Story of Baby Moses’ Rescue from Exodus 1:8-2:10.

The tale of Moses is an extraordinary journey that serves as a reminder of God’s presence in our lives. Moses was miraculously rescued from death by Pharaoh and later led God’s people out of Egypt. Similarly, we have been saved by Jesus, our savior, and freed from the slavery of sin. These crafts celebrate the story of the baby in

Craft Ideas for Healings of Jesus

He Heals Hearts!Craft Ideas for Healings of JesusJesus did a lot of remarkable and miraculous healing during His time on Earth, and He continues to help and heal now! These crafts celebrate some of the wonderful moments in Christ’s ministry. A “dead to life puppet” reviving of a young girl. A “healing hearts display” considers how Jesus brings not only

Sunday School Crafts (Ezekiel 37:1-14) Bible Crafts for the Valley of Dry Bones

Dem Bones… Craft Ideas for Ezekiel’s Vision   Surprise! Dead things can come back to life! That’s the theme of these crafts, based on the odd vision that the prophet Ezekiel had. Ezekiel saw dry bones come back to life, reassuring him that God had plans for His people, and that new and better things would come. We can take hope

Jesus and Woman at the Well Crafts Ideas for Sunday School (John 4:5-42)

woman at the well bible crafts

Jesus is our food and water! Just as we need physical elements to keep our bodies alive, we need God and His word to maintain our spiritual health. These crafts remind students of how important that is. A “Bread of Life Collage” compares food to spiritual hunger and satisfaction. A “Cup Overflowing” recounts the living water of Christ and doubles

Sunday School Crafts (Psalm 121) Help Comes from God

sunday school crafts on trusting in God psalm 121

Heavenly Help…Look Up! Craft Ideas for Psalm 121   Where can we go for help? Assistance might come from a variety of sources, depending what we require help with. However, our earthly supports can disappoint. We have another source of aid that will always provide for us and never let us down…we lift our eyes to the maker of Heaven and

Sunday School Crafts: Jesus Paid for Our Salvation

Jesus Pays the Price! Craft Ideas for God’s Grace (Romans 5) What does it cost to be saved? Nothing for us…but everything for Jesus! In Christ, our debts are paid and our lives made new. These crafts celebrate the wonderful reminders of Romans chapter 5, which describes how our salvation and righteousness come through Jesus. A special “Ticket to Salvation” Bible

Sunday School Crafts: On the Mountain with God

Mountains, Clouds, and All Around!  Craft Ideas for God’s Presence (and Mountaintop Experiences) How do we seek God? Where can we best draw closer to Him? Fortunately, the answer is not as complicated as we might think. God’s presence is everywhere, and we can talk to Him and be with Him anytime and anywhere! These crafts remind kids of that,

Sunday School Crafts “Choose Life” Deuteronomy 30:15-20

Deuteronomy 30

Choose Life!  Craft Ideas for Deuteronomy 30 What choices shape our daily lives? There are many things that impact who we are, but the most important thing we can choose is accepting God’s grace. We have the option of life or death! These crafts celebrate Deuteronomy 30 and how it reminds us to love and obey God. A “Choose Life

Salt and Light (Matthew 5:13-20) Sunday School Craft Activities

What does it mean to be the light and salt of the world? Light and salt both have a way of making a huge impact on things around them. In the same way, we influence people and make a difference by living for Jesus in all we say and do. These crafts remind students of how they can make an

Craft Ideas for Micah 6: Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly

Bible Craft for Micah 6

What does God want from us? Money? Efforts? Talents? The truth is that God loves us and gives us all we could need. There is nothing He demands or that we could pay Him, except for our love and faith. In the book of the prophet Micah, we are reminded that God wants us to “act justly, love kindness (or

Lords Prayer Craft Activities from Luke 11:1-13

Crafts on the Lords Prayer

Use these Sunday School Crafts & Activities for teaching the Lord’s Prayer from Luke 11:1-13. How do we get what we need from God? Do we have to act a certain way or pay a certain price? The simple and beautiful truth is that the Lord provides all that we need, and we only have to ask. Through prayer, we

Bible Craft Activities on the Tower of Babel and Pentecost from Genesis 11:1-9; Acts 2:1-21  

Tower of Babel crafts for kids Sunday School activity Genesis 11:1-9

Use these Sunday School craft activities when teaching about the Tower of Babel and Pentecost in your Children’s ministry or kids church. These hands-on project ideas will inspire creative learning time as children learn about these Bible stories. Watch the craft demonstration below and download the printable craft directions below. Then gather you project supplies as you prepare to teach.

Bible Craft ideas from Paul and Lydia in Acts 16:9-15

Spread the Good News! Bible Craft ideas from Paul and Lydia in Acts 16:9-15

Spread the Good News! Bible Craft ideas from Paul and Lydia in Acts 16:9-15 Craft Ideas for the Evangelism of Lydia : The book of Acts is full of amazing stories featuring people who heard the Gospel of Christ and acted on it immediately. We witness the spread of Christianity as believers told others about Jesus and they in turn