Psalm 19 “The Heavens Declare the Glory of God” Sunday School Lesson for Kids

Discover the wonder of God’s creation and help young minds appreciate it too! You can download our free lesson plan based on Psalm 19:1-14. It is packed with fun activities, engaging crafts, and insightful discussions, and is designed for children in Kindergarten through 6th grade.

The lesson plan fosters an understanding of God’s laws, appreciation for nature, and expression of gratitude and praise. Your children will embark on a delightful journey of learning and faith. Download the lesson plan today and experience the joy of discovery in your children’s hearts!

The Heavens Declare: A Look at God’s Creation and His Rules


This lesson plan explores Psalm 19:1-14, focusing on the beauty and power of God’s creation and the importance of following His laws. Through engaging activities and crafts, children will be encouraged to:

  • Appreciate the wonders of nature and recognize God’s hand in everything they see.
  • Understand that God’s rules offer guidance and blessing and should be followed with joy and love, not fear.
  • Express gratitude and praise to God for His love, creativity, and care.

Target Audience:

This lesson is designed for children in Kindergarten through 6th grade.


  • Handmade items (optional)
  • Pictures or representations of nature (flowers, animals, mountains, etc.)
  • Construction paper or cardstock
  • Markers or crayons
  • Decorative supplies (stickers, ribbons, etc.)
  • Paper plates
  • Honey-themed treats (optional)
  • Bags
  • Bibles
  • Word search puzzle with relevant vocabulary

Lesson Outline:

1. Handmade Gifts and God’s Creation (5 minutes):

  • Begin by showing children handmade items and discussing their significance.
  • Explain that God created everything with purpose and love, just like a handmade gift.
  • Use pictures or examples of natural objects to illustrate God’s handiwork.
  • Discuss how nature points to God as the Creator and how He deserves our praise.

2. Object Lesson: The Heavens Declare (5 minutes):

  • Explain that the passage talks about how the “heavens declare the glory of God” (Psalm 19:1).
  • Hold up pictures or discuss examples of celestial objects (stars, planets, etc.) and describe how they showcase God’s power and creativity.
  • Briefly mention that God also made each person uniquely and with purpose.
  • Emphasize that just as the sun and stars praise God, we should too.

3. Prayer (2 minutes):

  • Lead the children in a prayer thanking God for creation, His love, and His guidance.

4. Games & Activities Suggestions (10 minutes):

  • The Heavens Declare: Look at pictures of outer space and discuss the constellations, explaining God’s control over them.
  • Sunrise Race: Organize a relay race where children represent the sun rising and setting.
  • God in All Nature: Invite students to describe their favorite plants and animals, discussing how God created them.
  • Rich Rules: Write God’s laws on play money and have students discuss their importance and positive impact on their lives.
  • Sweeter than Honey: Play a “taste test” with honey-themed treats, then discuss why God’s rules are “sweeter than honey” (Psalm 19:10).
  • Handmade: Show handmade items and remind children that they, too, are God’s handiwork.

5. Main Bible Teaching (15 minutes):

  • Read and discuss Psalm 19:1-14 with the children, focusing on:
    • God’s presence in creation (verses 1-4)
    • The sun reflecting God’s power (verses 4-6)
    • The value and importance of God’s laws (verses 7-11)
    • Seeking forgiveness and striving to follow God’s ways (verses 12-14)
  • Encourage children to share what they learned about God and His creation.

6. Craft Activities (15 minutes):

  • Sweeter than Honey Bag: Decorate bags with verses and fill them with honey-themed treats (optional) to give as gifts.
  • Heavens Declare Plate: Decorate paper plates with the sun on one side and the moon on the other, adding stars and verses.

7. Word Search Puzzle (5 minutes):

  • Provide children with a word search puzzle containing relevant vocabulary from the lesson.
  • Completing the puzzle can reinforce their learning of key concepts.


  • Emphasize that God’s love and power are evident in everything they see and experience.
  • Encourage children to continue appreciating nature and follow God’s guidance in their lives.

Additional Notes:

  • Feel free to adapt the activities and discussion points to fit the age and developmental level of your group.
  • You can incorporate songs, stories, or videos related to the lesson for additional engagement.
  • Encourage further exploration of nature and God’s creation outside of the lesson.

Remember: This lesson plan is meant to be a guide. Modify it as needed to fit the needs and interests of your children.

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