The Parable of the Vineyard Tenants (Matthew 21:33-46) Sunday School Lessons & Activities for Kids

The Parable of the Tenants is a seemingly strange one, and can be challenging in terms of how we convey it to younger children.  Even to the original hearers, this might have sounded like an odd story. Why would the land-owner keep sending more people to the obviously wicked tenants? Why sacrifice his own son? What’s going on here? The good news of Jesus is for all who hear and accept it. We may not always want to hear the words that we need to acknowledge, but they are important. The religious leaders did not like Christ’s words, of course, because they hit too close to home. We can appreciate that we know who He was and have accepted His truths.

Use these free Bible lesson to teach kids in your Sunday School class the meaning of mercy and forgiveness. We’ve included complete teaching plans, game suggestions, craft ideas, and bonus coloring page. Simply download the PDF files below.

Kids Bible Lessons from Matthew 21:33-46

More Teaching Ideas on the Parable of the Tenants

Object Lesson Message: God Gives Second Changes

Use this children’s message when teaching kids from Matthew 21:33-46. You can download the printable teaching notes below and watch our example object lesson video.

Suggested Bible Coloring Pages

Click on the images below to open & print

Jesus coloring page
J is for Jesus coloring page

Bible Crafts: Jesus Christ is the Cornerstone

These simple Bible crafts for kids are based on the parable of the tenants found in Matthew 21. Download our directions below, watch the example video, and gather your supplies to teach in your Sunday School.

Matthew 21:33-46, Mark 12:1-12, Luke 20:9-19.

At the temple. Jesus told a parable of vineyard. A man was renting a vineyard and winery there. At harvest time, his servants went there to collect his share of fruit. But the renters beat one servant and killed another and stoned the third. The man sent more servants but the renters treated them in the same way. Finally he sent his own son, expecting them to respect him, but they killed him too. Then, Jesus asked chief priests, “What would this owner do to the renters?”. They answered “He will put those villains to death and rent the vineyard to other tenants who will give him his share of the harvest.”. “Therefore I tell you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to people who will produce its fruit.”

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